PHP Error Handling
Error handling is the process of catching errors raised by your program and then taking appropriate action. If you would handle errors properly then it may lead to many unforeseen consequences. It’s very simple in PHP to handle errors. PHP offers a number of ways to handle errors.
We are going to look at three (3) commonly used methods;
- Die statements– the die function combines the echo and exit function in one. It is very useful when we want to output a message and stop the script execution when an error occurs.
- Custom error handlers – these are user-defined functions that are called whenever an error occurs.
- PHP error reporting – the error message depending on your PHP error reporting settings. This method is very useful in a development environment when you have no idea what caused the error. The information displayed can help you debug your application.
Error Handling Examples
Using die() function: While writing your PHP program you should check all possible error conditions before going ahead and take appropriate action when required. Try the following example without having test.txt file and with this file.
if(!file_exists("/tmp/test.txt")) {
die("File not found");
}else {
$file = fopen("/tmp/test.txt","r");
print "Opend file sucessfully";
// Test of the code here.
This way you can write efficient code. Using the above technique you can stop your program whenever it errors out and displays a more meaningful and user-friendly message.
<?php $denominator = 0; echo 2 / $denominator; ?>
Assuming you saved the file simple_error.php, open the URL
http://localhost/ simple_error.php
You will get the following results
As you can see from the above results, it makes our application look unprofessional and can be annoying to the user.
We will modify the above code and write an error handler for the application
<?php $denominator = 0; if ($denominator != 0) { echo 2 / $denominator; } else { echo "cannot divide by zero (0)"; } ?>
Assuming you saved the above code as error_handling.php, open the URL http://localhost/error_handling.php
Note: it’s a good security practice displaying a message like the one shown above instead of showing the message like “File not found”.
PHP Exception Handling
An exception is an unexpected program result that can be handled by the program itself. Exception Handling in PHP is almost similar to exception handling in all programming languages.PHP provides the following specialized keywords for this purpose.
· try: It
represents a block of code in which exception can arise.
· catch: It
represents a block of code that will be executed when a particular exception has
been thrown.
· throw: It
is used to throw an exception. It is also used to list the exceptions that a
function throws, but doesn’t handle itself.
· finally: It
is used in place of catch block or after catch block basically, it is put for
cleanup activity in PHP code.
Why Exception
Handling in PHP?
are the main advantages of exception handling over error handling
· Separation
of error handling code from normal code: In
traditional error handling code there is always if-else block to handle errors.
These conditions and code to handle errors got mixed so that becomes
unreadable. With try Catch block code becomes readable.
· Grouping
of error types: In PHP both basic types and
objects can be thrown as an exception. It can create a hierarchy of exception
objects, group exceptions in namespaces or classes, categorize them according
to types.
handling in PHP: Following
code explains the flow of normal try-catch block in PHP:
PHP Program to illustrate normal
try-catch block code
demo($var) {
echo " Before try block";
try {
echo "\n Inside try block";
// If var is zero then only if will be
if($var == 0)
// If var is zero then only
exception is thrown
throw new Exception('Number is
// This line will never be executed
echo "\n After throw (It will
never be executed)";
// Catch block will be executed only
// When Exception has been thrown by try
catch(Exception $e) {
echo "\n Exception
Caught", $e->getMessage();
// This line will be executed whether
// Exception has been thrown or
echo "\n After catch (will be always
Exception will not be raised
Exception will be raised here
Before try block
try block
catch (will be always executed)
try block
try block
Exception CaughtNumber is zero.
catch (will be always executed)
Defining Custom
can even define your own custom exception handlers to treat different types of
exceptions in a different way. It allows you to use a separate catch block for
each exception type.
can define a custom exception by extending the Exception class, because
Exception is the base class for all exceptions. The custom exception class
inherits all the properties and methods from PHP's Exception class. You can
also add your custom methods to the custom exception class. Let's check out the
following example:
// Extending the Exception
class EmptyEmailException
extends Exception {}
class InvalidEmailException
extends Exception {}
$email =
// Throw exception if email is empty
if($email == ""){
throw new
EmptyEmailException("<p>Please enter your E-mail
// Throw exception if email is not valid
if(filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)
=== FALSE) {
throw new
InvalidEmailException("<p><b>$email</b> is not a valid
E-mail address!</p>");
// Display success message if email is
echo "<p>SUCCESS: Email
validation successful.</p>";
} catch(EmptyEmailException
echo $e->getMessage();
catch(InvalidEmailException $e){
echo $e->getMessage();
In the above example
we've derived two new exception classes: EmptyEmailException, and InvalidEmailException
from the Exception base class. Multiple catch blocks are used to display
different error messages, depending on the type of exception generated.
Since these custom exception classes inherit the
properties and methods from the Exception class, so we can use the Exception
class methods like getMessage(), getLine(), getFile(), etc. to retrieve error
information from the exception object.